Friday, December 14, 2007

My Art..continued

Thought I would post my artwork on here. Sorry, nothing new yet, just the oldies but goodies for now.

"Om" is one of my favorite pieces, next to "Boys" (scroll down to other blog). Obviously, the Om represents the ever-present influence of yoga in my life right now. To me, Om is the sound of creation, often chanted three times after a yoga practice. Chanting the sound Om brings you and your fellow practicioners together, as one. I also feel like it brings you back to your center, your focus. My background is my characteristic Rothko abstract color field. I especially love working with these blues, whites and blacks. The Om is actually in Silver Leaf, which I love working with as well. With his eyes closed to the world, my pony is of course existing in a state of subconscious bliss.

"Haunted", started long before the others back when I decided to first experiment with these "little" ponies. Decided to attempt slapping a faux hawk on a metallic green pony to simply see what would happen. This painting went through many transformations and changes. Never sure what the end result would be, I would add this, cover that, until finally I felt satisfied with the representation you see before you. The painting is about 8" x 10", same as "Om". The materials are Silver and Gold leafing, acrylic paints paper clippings and metallic ink on a custom stretched canvas.
You can check out both paintings on view in downtown Phoenix. Tattoo Facial artist Jane Adler is showing my work, along with other artists, in her business on Roosevelt street just west of 7th Avenue. If you are in Phoenix and want to check them out along with my other pieces, Jane is located at 1110 W. Roosevelt St. You can check out her website too at

Thursday, December 13, 2007

LMU Alumni Reunion: Back to our roots

Ok, so the reunion was back in September, but I'm going to write about it now. Back to L.A. and back into the arms of Drunken Sunken Gardens, is where Sperry and I found ourselves September 28-30th. The weekend was amazing: old friends, the beach and sequins cocktail dresses. Sperry celebrated his 5 year reunion with the class of 2002, while I anxiously anticipated mine to come the following year. If a voice inside your head is shouting "Nerd Alert" at this time, that is normal...and totally appropriate. I'm a self-proclaimed alumni nerd. I accept this. Going to LMU was the most fun I have ever had in my life..thus far...oh hell, who am I kidding, it was the best ever. It was the ideal college experience set against the beautiful (and crowded) Los Angeles coastline. But, too many people all driving at the same time finally drove me out. I hate crowds and I hate traffic. Always fun to come back and visit though.

Preparing for a night at the Grand Reunion with Sir Aaron Brock and his soon to-be-wife, Toni.
Looking good at the Alumni BBQ: Me, Travis, Kevin and Moe. Smuggled a fine bottle of Sake in my bag and had myself a grand ole time!! They even had a wine booth this year..YES! Sadly, no one recognized the awesomeness of my shirt; it says "Sunshine Makes Me High" for crying out loud!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Follow up to L.A. trip in June

In case you already didn't know, my faithful companion Lulu crapped herself on Hwy 10 just a few miles outside of California. Talk about a near death experience. Nothing raises your adrenaline like having your dog pooping herself in the passenger seat, while you try to drive one handed on a two lane road with Semi's blasting passed you at 80 mph.
After managing to pull over safely (one handed!) I was able to wash Lu's butt, allow her to continue to go to the bathroom (oh yes, she wasn't done yet) and dump the evidence off at the next trash can.

Saturday, June 30, 2007


"Boys", acrylic and metallics on canvas.
Could be a tribute to boys or just the winged pony pegasus. When painting this I was the most thrilled with the idea of painting my first pegasus; my ultimate fantasy pet! (duh!, I'm a girl). I think If I had a real pegasus we would be more like equals than pet and master (supplier of food and other things pegasus' enjoy). Anywho, I found the book cover at the ASU library with the title 'Boys' and simply like the color and text so much that I encorporated it into this piece.
One may see it as an interpretation of boys as angels. But, I just thought the pegasus was rad. Boys was an afterthought. But all and all, they both came together well. My idea for the soft, edgy metallic pony could not have contrasted yet fused more perfectly with the blue hues of the abstract color field in the background.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Roadtrip to Los Angeles

On June 11th, me and my faithful companion Luis (Lou-is), climbed into my little bumble bee of Volkswagen magic and sped off on highway 10 heading WEST!! Take highway 10 West for approximately 5 hours and guess where you end up? That's right. Smog city Los Angeles. For two days I spent as much time as possible with old friends, doctors and tatoo artists. What a blast!!